Source code for featuretools.primitives.standard.aggregation.max_count

import numpy as np
from woodwork.column_schema import ColumnSchema

from featuretools.primitives.base import AggregationPrimitive

[docs]class MaxCount(AggregationPrimitive): """Calculates the number of occurrences of the max value in a list Args: skipna (bool): Determines if to use NA/null values. Defaults to True to skip NA/null. If skipna is False, and there are NaN values in the array, the max will be NaN regardless of the other values, and NaN will be returned. Examples: >>> max_count = MaxCount() >>> max_count([1, 2, 5, 1, 5, 3, 5]) 3 You can optionally specify how to handle NaN values >>> max_count_skipna = MaxCount(skipna=False) >>> max_count_skipna([1, 2, 5, 1, 5, 3, None]) nan """ name = "max_count" input_types = [ColumnSchema(semantic_tags={"numeric"})] return_type = ColumnSchema(semantic_tags={"numeric"})
[docs] def __init__(self, skipna=True): self.skipna = skipna
def get_function(self): def max_count(x): xmax = x.max(skipna=self.skipna) if np.isnan(xmax): return np.nan return x.eq(xmax).sum() return max_count