Help ==== Couldn't find what you were looking for? The Featuretools community is happy to provide support to users of Featuretools. Discussion ---------- Conversation happens in the following places: 1. **General usage questions** are directed to `StackOverflow`_ with the #featuretools tag. 2. **Bug reports** are managed on the `GitHub issue tracker`_. 3. **Chat** and collaboration within the community occurs on `Slack`_. For general usage questions, please post on Stack Overflow where answers are more searchable by other users. .. _`StackOverflow`: .. _`Github issue tracker`: .. _`Slack`: Asking for help --------------- All users levels, including beginners, should feel free to ask questions and report bugs when using featuretools. You can get better answers if follow a few simple guidelines: 1. **Use the right resource**: We suggest using Github or StackOverflow. Questions asked at these locations will be more searchable for other users. - Slack should be used for community discussion and collaboration. - For general questions on how something should work or tips, use StackOverflow. - Bugs should be reported on Github. 2. **Ask in one place only**: Please post your question in one place (StackOverflow or Github). 3. **Use examples**: Make `minimal, complete, verifiable examples `_. You will get much better answers if your provide code that people can use to reproduce your problem.