Source code for featuretools.variable_types.variable

import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from featuretools.utils.gen_utils import camel_to_snake

class ClassNameDescriptor(object):
    """Descriptor to convert a class's name from camelcase to snakecase

    def __get__(self, instance, class_):
        return camel_to_snake(class_.__name__)

class Variable(object):
    """Represent a variable in an entity

    A Variable is analogous to a column in table in a relational database

        id (str) : Id of variable. Must match underlying data in Entity
            it belongs to.
        entity (:class:`.Entity`) : Entity this variable belongs to.
        name (str, optional) : Variable name. Defaults to id.
        description (str, optional) : Description of what the variable is.
            Used when describing features with `ft.describe_feature`.

    See Also:
        :class:`.Entity`, :class:`.Relationship`, :class:`.BaseEntitySet`
    type_string = ClassNameDescriptor()
    _default_pandas_dtype = object

    def __init__(self, id, entity, name=None, description=None):
        assert isinstance(id, str), "Variable id must be a string" = id
        self._name = name
        self.entity_id =
        self._description = description
        assert entity.entityset is not None, "Entity must contain reference to EntitySet"
        self.entity = entity
        if not in self.entity.df:
            default_dtype = self._default_pandas_dtype
            default_dtype = self.entity.df[].dtype
        if default_dtype == np.datetime64:
            default_dtype = 'datetime64[ns]'
        if default_dtype == np.timedelta64:
            default_dtype = 'timedelta64[ns]'

        self._interesting_values = pd.Series(dtype=default_dtype)

    def entityset(self):
        return self.entity.entityset

    def __eq__(self, other, deep=False):
        shallow_eq = isinstance(other, self.__class__) and \
   == and \
            self.entity_id == other.entity_id
        if not deep:
            return shallow_eq
            return shallow_eq and set(self.interesting_values.values) == set(other.interesting_values.values)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((, self.entity_id))

    def __repr__(self):
        return u"<Variable: {} (dtype = {})>".format(, self.type_string)

    def create_from(cls, variable):
        """Create new variable this type from existing

            variable (Variable) : Existing variable to create from.

            :class:`.Variable` : new variable

        v = cls(,, entity=variable.entity)
        return v

    def name(self):
        return self._name if self._name is not None else

    def dtype(self):
        return self.type_string \
            if self.type_string is not None else "generic_type"

    def name(self, name):
        self._name = name

    def description(self):
        return self._description if self._description is not None else 'the "{}"'.format(

    def description(self, description):
        if description != self._description:
        self._description = description

    def interesting_values(self):
        return self._interesting_values

    def interesting_values(self, interesting_values):
        self._interesting_values = pd.Series(interesting_values,

    def series(self):
        return self.entity.df[]

    def to_data_description(self):
        return {
            'type': {
                'value': self.type_string,
            'properties': {
                'description': self.description,
                'interesting_values': self._interesting_values.to_json()

class Unknown(Variable):

class Discrete(Variable):
    """Superclass representing variables that take on discrete values"""

    def __init__(self, id, entity, name=None):
        super(Discrete, self).__init__(id, entity, name)

    def interesting_values(self):
        return self._interesting_values

    def interesting_values(self, values):
        seen = set()
        seen_add = seen.add
        self._interesting_values = pd.Series([v for v in values if not
                                              (v in seen or seen_add(v))],

[docs]class Boolean(Variable): """Represents variables that take on one of two values Args: true_values (list) : List of valued true values. Defaults to [1, True, "true", "True", "yes", "t", "T"] false_values (list): List of valued false values. Defaults to [0, False, "false", "False", "no", "f", "F"] """ _default_pandas_dtype = bool
[docs] def __init__(self, id, entity, name=None, true_values=None, false_values=None): default = [1, True, "true", "True", "yes", "t", "T"] self.true_values = true_values or default default = [0, False, "false", "False", "no", "f", "F"] self.false_values = false_values or default super(Boolean, self).__init__(id, entity, name=name)
def to_data_description(self): description = super(Boolean, self).to_data_description() description['type'].update({ 'true_values': self.true_values, 'false_values': self.false_values }) return description
[docs]class Categorical(Discrete): """Represents variables that can take an unordered discrete values Args: categories (list) : List of categories. If left blank, inferred from data. """
[docs] def __init__(self, id, entity, name=None, categories=None): self.categories = None or [] super(Categorical, self).__init__(id, entity, name=name)
def to_data_description(self): description = super(Categorical, self).to_data_description() description['type'].update({'categories': self.categories}) return description
[docs]class Id(Categorical): """Represents variables that identify another entity""" _default_pandas_dtype = int
[docs]class Ordinal(Discrete): """Represents variables that take on an ordered discrete value""" _default_pandas_dtype = int
[docs]class Numeric(Variable): """Represents variables that contain numeric values Args: range (list, optional) : List of start and end. Can use inf and -inf to represent infinity. Unconstrained if not specified. start_inclusive (bool, optional) : Whether or not range includes the start value. end_inclusive (bool, optional) : Whether or not range includes the end value Attributes: max (float) min (float) std (float) mean (float) """ _default_pandas_dtype = float
[docs] def __init__(self, id, entity, name=None, range=None, start_inclusive=True, end_inclusive=False): self.range = None or [] self.start_inclusive = start_inclusive self.end_inclusive = end_inclusive super(Numeric, self).__init__(id, entity, name=name)
def to_data_description(self): description = super(Numeric, self).to_data_description() description['type'].update({ 'range': self.range, 'start_inclusive': self.start_inclusive, 'end_inclusive': self.end_inclusive, }) return description
[docs]class Index(Variable): """Represents variables that uniquely identify an instance of an entity Attributes: count (int) """ _default_pandas_dtype = int
[docs]class Datetime(Variable): """Represents variables that are points in time Args: format (str): Python datetime format string documented `here <>`_. """ _default_pandas_dtype = np.datetime64
[docs] def __init__(self, id, entity, name=None, format=None): self.format = format super(Datetime, self).__init__(id, entity, name=name)
def __repr__(self): return u"<Variable: {} (dtype: {}, format: {})>".format(, self.type_string, self.format) def to_data_description(self): description = super(Datetime, self).to_data_description() description['type'].update({'format': self.format}) return description
[docs]class TimeIndex(Variable): """Represents time index of entity""" _default_pandas_dtype = np.datetime64
[docs]class NumericTimeIndex(TimeIndex, Numeric): """Represents time index of entity that is numeric""" _default_pandas_dtype = float
[docs]class DatetimeTimeIndex(TimeIndex, Datetime): """Represents time index of entity that is a datetime""" _default_pandas_dtype = np.datetime64
class Timedelta(Variable): """Represents variables that are timedeltas Args: range (list, optional) : List of start and end of allowed range in seconds. Can use inf and -inf to represent infinity. Unconstrained if not specified. start_inclusive (bool, optional) : Whether or not range includes the start value. end_inclusive (bool, optional) : Whether or not range includes the end value """ _default_pandas_dtype = np.timedelta64 def __init__(self, id, entity, name=None, range=None, start_inclusive=True, end_inclusive=False): self.range = range or [] self.start_inclusive = start_inclusive self.end_inclusive = end_inclusive super(Timedelta, self).__init__(id, entity, name=name) def to_data_description(self): description = super(Timedelta, self).to_data_description() description['type'].update({ 'range': self.range, 'start_inclusive': self.start_inclusive, 'end_inclusive': self.end_inclusive, }) return description
[docs]class NaturalLanguage(Variable): """Represents variables that are arbitary strings""" _default_pandas_dtype = str
class Text(NaturalLanguage): def __init__(self, id, entity, name=None): msg = "Text has been deprecated. Please use NaturalLanguage instead." warnings.warn(msg, category=FutureWarning) super(Text, self).__init__(id, entity, name) class PandasTypes(object): _all = 'all' _categorical = 'category' _pandas_datetimes = ['datetime64[ns]', 'datetime64[ns, tz]'] _pandas_timedeltas = ['Timedelta'] _pandas_numerics = ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64']
[docs]class LatLong(Variable): """Represents an ordered pair (Latitude, Longitude) To make a latlong in a dataframe do data['latlong'] = data[['latitude', 'longitude']].apply(tuple, axis=1) """
[docs]class ZIPCode(Categorical): """Represents a postal address in the United States. Consists of a series of digits which are casts as string. Five digit and 9 digit zipcodes are supported. """ _default_pandas_dtype = str
[docs]class IPAddress(Variable): """Represents a computer network address. Represented in dotted-decimal notation. IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. """ _default_pandas_dtype = str
[docs]class FullName(Variable): """Represents a person's full name. May consist of a first name, last name, and a title. """ _default_pandas_dtype = str
[docs]class EmailAddress(Variable): """Represents an email box to which email message are sent. Consists of a local-part, an @ symbol, and a domain. """ _default_pandas_dtype = str
[docs]class URL(Variable): """Represents a valid web url (with or without http/www)""" _default_pandas_dtype = str
[docs]class PhoneNumber(Variable): """Represents any valid phone number. Can be with/without parenthesis. Can be with/without area/country codes. """ _default_pandas_dtype = str
[docs]class DateOfBirth(Datetime): """Represents a date of birth as a datetime""" _default_pandas_dtype = np.datetime64
[docs]class CountryCode(Categorical): """Represents an ISO-3166 standard country code. ISO 3166-1 (countries) are supported. These codes should be in the Alpha-2 format. e.g. United States of America = US """ _default_pandas_dtype = str
[docs]class SubRegionCode(Categorical): """Represents an ISO-3166 standard sub-region code. ISO 3166-2 codes (sub-regions are supported. These codes should be in the Alpha-2 format. e.g. United States of America, Arizona = US-AZ """ _default_pandas_dtype = str
[docs]class FilePath(Variable): """Represents a valid filepath, absolute or relative""" _default_pandas_dtype = str
DEFAULT_DTYPE_VALUES = { np.datetime64:, int: 0, float: 0.1, np.timedelta64: pd.Timedelta('1d'), object: 'object', bool: True, str: 'test' }