The upcoming release of Featuretools 1.0.0 contains several breaking changes. Users are encouraged to test this version prior to release by installing from GitHub:

pip install

For details on migrating to the new version, refer to Transitioning to Featuretools Version 1.0. Please report any issues in the Featuretools GitHub repo or by messaging in Alteryx Open Source Slack.

Source code for featuretools.primitives.standard.binary_transform

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from featuretools.primitives.base.transform_primitive_base import (
from featuretools.utils.gen_utils import Library
from featuretools.variable_types import (

class GreaterThan(TransformPrimitive):
    """Determines if values in one list are greater than another list.

        Given a list of values X and a list of values Y, determine
        whether each value in X is greater than each corresponding
        value in Y. Equal pairs will return `False`.

        >>> greater_than = GreaterThan()
        >>> greater_than([2, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2]).tolist()
        [True, False, False]
    name = "greater_than"
    input_types = [[Numeric, Numeric], [Datetime, Datetime], [Ordinal, Ordinal]]
    return_type = Boolean
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK]
    description_template = "whether {} is greater than {}"

    def get_function(self):
        return np.greater

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s > %s" % (base_feature_names[0], base_feature_names[1])

class GreaterThanScalar(TransformPrimitive):
    """Determines if values are greater than a given scalar.

        Given a list of values and a constant scalar, determine
        whether each of the values is greater than the scalar.
        If a value is equal to the scalar, return `False`.

        >>> greater_than_scalar = GreaterThanScalar(value=2)
        >>> greater_than_scalar([3, 1, 2]).tolist()
        [True, False, False]
    name = "greater_than_scalar"
    input_types = [[Numeric], [Datetime], [Ordinal]]
    return_type = Boolean
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]

    def __init__(self, value=0):
        self.value = value
        self.description_template = "whether {{}} is greater than {}".format(self.value)

    def get_function(self):
        def greater_than_scalar(vals):
            return vals > self.value
        return greater_than_scalar

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s > %s" % (base_feature_names[0], str(self.value))

class GreaterThanEqualTo(TransformPrimitive):
    """Determines if values in one list are greater than or equal to another list.

        Given a list of values X and a list of values Y, determine
        whether each value in X is greater than or equal to each
        corresponding value in Y. Equal pairs will return `True`.

        >>> greater_than_equal_to = GreaterThanEqualTo()
        >>> greater_than_equal_to([2, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2]).tolist()
        [True, False, True]
    name = "greater_than_equal_to"
    input_types = [[Numeric, Numeric], [Datetime, Datetime], [Ordinal, Ordinal]]
    return_type = Boolean
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]
    description_template = "whether {} is greater than or equal to {}"

    def get_function(self):
        return np.greater_equal

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s >= %s" % (base_feature_names[0], base_feature_names[1])

class GreaterThanEqualToScalar(TransformPrimitive):
    """Determines if values are greater than or equal to a given scalar.

        Given a list of values and a constant scalar, determine
        whether each of the values is greater than or equal to the
        scalar. If a value is equal to the scalar, return `True`.

        >>> greater_than_equal_to_scalar = GreaterThanEqualToScalar(value=2)
        >>> greater_than_equal_to_scalar([3, 1, 2]).tolist()
        [True, False, True]
    name = "greater_than_equal_to_scalar"
    input_types = [[Numeric], [Datetime], [Ordinal]]
    return_type = Boolean
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]

    def __init__(self, value=0):
        self.value = value
        self.description_template = "whether {{}} is greater than or equal to {}".format(self.value)

    def get_function(self):
        def greater_than_equal_to_scalar(vals):
            return vals >= self.value
        return greater_than_equal_to_scalar

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s >= %s" % (base_feature_names[0], str(self.value))

class LessThan(TransformPrimitive):
    """Determines if values in one list are less than another list.

        Given a list of values X and a list of values Y, determine
        whether each value in X is less than each corresponding value
        in Y. Equal pairs will return `False`.

        >>> less_than = LessThan()
        >>> less_than([2, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2]).tolist()
        [False, True, False]
    name = "less_than"
    input_types = [[Numeric, Numeric], [Datetime, Datetime], [Ordinal, Ordinal]]
    return_type = Boolean
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]
    description_template = "whether {} is less than {}"

    def get_function(self):
        return np.less

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s < %s" % (base_feature_names[0], base_feature_names[1])

class LessThanScalar(TransformPrimitive):
    """Determines if values are less than a given scalar.

        Given a list of values and a constant scalar, determine
        whether each of the values is less than the scalar.
        If a value is equal to the scalar, return `False`.

        >>> less_than_scalar = LessThanScalar(value=2)
        >>> less_than_scalar([3, 1, 2]).tolist()
        [False, True, False]
    name = "less_than_scalar"
    input_types = [[Numeric], [Datetime], [Ordinal]]
    return_type = Boolean
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]

    def __init__(self, value=0):
        self.value = value
        self.description_template = "whether {{}} is less than {}".format(self.value)

    def get_function(self):
        def less_than_scalar(vals):
            return vals < self.value
        return less_than_scalar

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s < %s" % (base_feature_names[0], str(self.value))

class LessThanEqualTo(TransformPrimitive):
    """Determines if values in one list are less than or equal to another list.

        Given a list of values X and a list of values Y, determine
        whether each value in X is less than or equal to each
        corresponding value in Y. Equal pairs will return `True`.

        >>> less_than_equal_to = LessThanEqualTo()
        >>> less_than_equal_to([2, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2]).tolist()
        [False, True, True]
    name = "less_than_equal_to"
    input_types = [[Numeric, Numeric], [Datetime, Datetime], [Ordinal, Ordinal]]
    return_type = Boolean
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]
    description_template = "whether {} is less than or equal to {}"

    def get_function(self):
        return np.less_equal

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s <= %s" % (base_feature_names[0], base_feature_names[1])

class LessThanEqualToScalar(TransformPrimitive):
    """Determines if values are less than or equal to a given scalar.

        Given a list of values and a constant scalar, determine
        whether each of the values is less than or equal to the
        scalar. If a value is equal to the scalar, return `True`.

        >>> less_than_equal_to_scalar = LessThanEqualToScalar(value=2)
        >>> less_than_equal_to_scalar([3, 1, 2]).tolist()
        [False, True, True]
    name = "less_than_equal_to_scalar"
    input_types = [[Numeric], [Datetime], [Ordinal]]
    return_type = Boolean
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]

    def __init__(self, value=0):
        self.value = value
        self.description_template = "whether {{}} is less than or equal to {}".format(self.value)

    def get_function(self):
        def less_than_equal_to_scalar(vals):
            return vals <= self.value
        return less_than_equal_to_scalar

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s <= %s" % (base_feature_names[0], str(self.value))

class Equal(TransformPrimitive):
    """Determines if values in one list are equal to another list.

        Given a list of values X and a list of values Y, determine
        whether each value in X is equal to each corresponding value
        in Y.

        >>> equal = Equal()
        >>> equal([2, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2]).tolist()
        [False, False, True]
    name = "equal"
    input_types = [Variable, Variable]
    return_type = Boolean
    commutative = True
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]
    description_template = "whether {} equals {}"

    def get_function(self):
        def equal(x_vals, y_vals):
            if isinstance(x_vals.dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype) and \
               isinstance(y_vals.dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype):
                categories = set(
                x_vals =
                y_vals =
            return x_vals.eq(y_vals)

        return equal

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s = %s" % (base_feature_names[0], base_feature_names[1])

class EqualScalar(TransformPrimitive):
    """Determines if values in a list are equal to a given scalar.

        Given a list of values and a constant scalar, determine
        whether each of the values is equal to the scalar.

        >>> equal_scalar = EqualScalar(value=2)
        >>> equal_scalar([3, 1, 2]).tolist()
        [False, False, True]
    name = "equal_scalar"
    input_types = [Variable]
    return_type = Boolean
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]

    def __init__(self, value=None):
        self.value = value
        self.description_template = "whether {{}} equals {}".format(self.value)

    def get_function(self):
        def equal_scalar(vals):
            return vals == self.value
        return equal_scalar

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s = %s" % (base_feature_names[0], str(self.value))

class NotEqual(TransformPrimitive):
    """Determines if values in one list are not equal to another list.

        Given a list of values X and a list of values Y, determine
        whether each value in X is not equal to each corresponding
        value in Y.

        >>> not_equal = NotEqual()
        >>> not_equal([2, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2]).tolist()
        [True, True, False]
    name = "not_equal"
    input_types = [Variable, Variable]
    return_type = Boolean
    commutative = True
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK]
    description_template = "whether {} does not equal {}"

    def get_function(self):
        def not_equal(x_vals, y_vals):
            if isinstance(x_vals.dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype) and \
               isinstance(y_vals.dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype):
                categories = set(
                x_vals =
                y_vals =

        return not_equal

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s != %s" % (base_feature_names[0], base_feature_names[1])

class NotEqualScalar(TransformPrimitive):
    """Determines if values in a list are not equal to a given scalar.

        Given a list of values and a constant scalar, determine
        whether each of the values is not equal to the scalar.

        >>> not_equal_scalar = NotEqualScalar(value=2)
        >>> not_equal_scalar([3, 1, 2]).tolist()
        [True, True, False]
    name = "not_equal_scalar"
    input_types = [Variable]
    return_type = Boolean
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]

    def __init__(self, value=None):
        self.value = value
        self.description_template = "whether {{}} does not equal {}".format(self.value)

    def get_function(self):
        def not_equal_scalar(vals):
            return vals != self.value
        return not_equal_scalar

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s != %s" % (base_feature_names[0], str(self.value))

class AddNumeric(TransformPrimitive):
    """Element-wise addition of two lists.

        Given a list of values X and a list of values
        Y, determine the sum of each value in X with its
        corresponding value in Y.

        >>> add_numeric = AddNumeric()
        >>> add_numeric([2, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2]).tolist()
        [3, 3, 4]
    name = "add_numeric"
    input_types = [Numeric, Numeric]
    return_type = Numeric
    commutative = True
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]
    description_template = "the sum of {} and {}"

    def get_function(self):
        return np.add

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s + %s" % (base_feature_names[0], base_feature_names[1])

class AddNumericScalar(TransformPrimitive):
    """Add a scalar to each value in the list.

        Given a list of numeric values and a scalar, add
        the given scalar to each value in the list.

        >>> add_numeric_scalar = AddNumericScalar(value=2)
        >>> add_numeric_scalar([3, 1, 2]).tolist()
        [5, 3, 4]
    name = "add_numeric_scalar"
    input_types = [Numeric]
    return_type = Numeric
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]

    def __init__(self, value=0):
        self.value = value
        self.description_template = "the sum of {{}} and {}".format(self.value)

    def get_function(self):
        def add_scalar(vals):
            return vals + self.value
        return add_scalar

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s + %s" % (base_feature_names[0], str(self.value))

class SubtractNumeric(TransformPrimitive):
    """Element-wise subtraction of two lists.

        Given a list of values X and a list of values
        Y, determine the difference of each value
        in X from its corresponding value in Y.

        commutative (bool): determines if Deep Feature Synthesis should
            generate both x - y and y - x, or just one. If True, there is no
            guarantee which of the two will be generated. Defaults to True.

        >>> subtract_numeric = SubtractNumeric()
        >>> subtract_numeric([2, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2]).tolist()
        [1, -1, 0]
    name = "subtract_numeric"
    input_types = [Numeric, Numeric]
    return_type = Numeric
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK]
    description_template = "the result of {} minus {}"

    def __init__(self, commutative=True):
        self.commutative = commutative

    def get_function(self):
        return np.subtract

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s - %s" % (base_feature_names[0], base_feature_names[1])

class SubtractNumericScalar(TransformPrimitive):
    """Subtract a scalar from each element in the list.

        Given a list of numeric values and a scalar, subtract
        the given scalar from each value in the list.

        >>> subtract_numeric_scalar = SubtractNumericScalar(value=2)
        >>> subtract_numeric_scalar([3, 1, 2]).tolist()
        [1, -1, 0]
    name = "subtract_numeric_scalar"
    input_types = [Numeric]
    return_type = Numeric
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]

    def __init__(self, value=0):
        self.value = value
        self.description_template = "the result of {{}} minus {}".format(self.value)

    def get_function(self):
        def subtract_scalar(vals):
            return vals - self.value
        return subtract_scalar

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s - %s" % (base_feature_names[0], str(self.value))

class ScalarSubtractNumericFeature(TransformPrimitive):
    """Subtract each value in the list from a given scalar.

        Given a list of numeric values and a scalar, subtract
        the each value from the scalar and return the list of

        >>> scalar_subtract_numeric_feature = ScalarSubtractNumericFeature(value=2)
        >>> scalar_subtract_numeric_feature([3, 1, 2]).tolist()
        [-1, 1, 0]
    name = "scalar_subtract_numeric_feature"
    input_types = [Numeric]
    return_type = Numeric
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]

    def __init__(self, value=0):
        self.value = value
        self.description_template = "the result {} minus {{}}".format(self.value)

    def get_function(self):
        def scalar_subtract_numeric_feature(vals):
            return self.value - vals
        return scalar_subtract_numeric_feature

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s - %s" % (str(self.value), base_feature_names[0])

class MultiplyNumeric(TransformPrimitive):
    """Element-wise multiplication of two lists.

        Given a list of values X and a list of values
        Y, determine the product of each value in X
        with its corresponding value in Y.

        >>> multiply_numeric = MultiplyNumeric()
        >>> multiply_numeric([2, 1, 2], [1, 2, 2]).tolist()
        [2, 2, 4]
    name = "multiply_numeric"
    input_types = [
        [Numeric, Numeric],
        [Numeric, Boolean],
        [Boolean, Numeric],
    return_type = Numeric
    commutative = True
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]
    description_template = "the product of {} and {}"

    def get_function(self):
        return np.multiply

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s * %s" % (base_feature_names[0], base_feature_names[1])

class MultiplyNumericScalar(TransformPrimitive):
    """Multiply each element in the list by a scalar.

        Given a list of numeric values and a scalar, multiply
        each value in the list by the scalar.

        >>> multiply_numeric_scalar = MultiplyNumericScalar(value=2)
        >>> multiply_numeric_scalar([3, 1, 2]).tolist()
        [6, 2, 4]
    name = "multiply_numeric_scalar"
    input_types = [Numeric]
    return_type = Numeric
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]

    def __init__(self, value=1):
        self.value = value
        self.description_template = "the product of {{}} and {}".format(self.value)

    def get_function(self):
        def multiply_scalar(vals):
            return vals * self.value
        return multiply_scalar

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s * %s" % (base_feature_names[0], str(self.value))

class MultiplyBoolean(TransformPrimitive):
    """Element-wise multiplication of two lists of boolean values.

        Given a list of boolean values X and a list of boolean
        values Y, determine the product of each value in X
        with its corresponding value in Y.

        >>> multiply_boolean = MultiplyBoolean()
        >>> multiply_boolean([True, True, False], [True, False, True]).tolist()
        [True, False, False]
    name = "multiply_boolean"
    input_types = [[Boolean, Boolean]]

    return_type = Boolean
    commutative = True
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK]
    description_template = "the product of {} and {}"

    def get_function(self):
        return np.bitwise_and

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s * %s" % (base_feature_names[0], base_feature_names[1])

class DivideNumeric(TransformPrimitive):
    """Element-wise division of two lists.

        Given a list of values X and a list of values
        Y, determine the quotient of each value in X
        divided by its corresponding value in Y.

        commutative (bool): determines if Deep Feature Synthesis should
            generate both x / y and y / x, or just one. If True, there is
            no guarantee which of the two will be generated. Defaults to False.

        >>> divide_numeric = DivideNumeric()
        >>> divide_numeric([2.0, 1.0, 2.0], [1.0, 2.0, 2.0]).tolist()
        [2.0, 0.5, 1.0]
    name = "divide_numeric"
    input_types = [Numeric, Numeric]
    return_type = Numeric
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]
    description_template = "the result of {} divided by {}"

    def __init__(self, commutative=False):
        self.commutative = commutative

    def get_function(self):
        return np.divide

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s / %s" % (base_feature_names[0], base_feature_names[1])

class DivideNumericScalar(TransformPrimitive):
    """Divide each element in the list by a scalar.

        Given a list of numeric values and a scalar, divide
        each value in the list by the scalar.

        >>> divide_numeric_scalar = DivideNumericScalar(value=2)
        >>> divide_numeric_scalar([3, 1, 2]).tolist()
        [1.5, 0.5, 1.0]
    name = "divide_numeric_scalar"
    input_types = [Numeric]
    return_type = Numeric
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]

    def __init__(self, value=1):
        self.value = value
        self.description_template = "the result of {{}} divided by {}".format(self.value)

    def get_function(self):
        def divide_scalar(vals):
            return vals / self.value
        return divide_scalar

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s / %s" % (base_feature_names[0], str(self.value))

class DivideByFeature(TransformPrimitive):
    """Divide a scalar by each value in the list.

        Given a list of numeric values and a scalar, divide
        the scalar by each value and return the list of

        >>> divide_by_feature = DivideByFeature(value=2)
        >>> divide_by_feature([4, 1, 2]).tolist()
        [0.5, 2.0, 1.0]
    name = "divide_by_feature"
    input_types = [Numeric]
    return_type = Numeric
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]

    def __init__(self, value=1):
        self.value = value
        self.description_template = "the result of {} divided by {{}}".format(self.value)

    def get_function(self):
        def divide_by_feature(vals):
            return self.value / vals
        return divide_by_feature

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s / %s" % (str(self.value), base_feature_names[0])

class ModuloNumeric(TransformPrimitive):
    """Element-wise modulo of two lists.

        Given a list of values X and a list of values Y,
        determine the modulo, or remainder of each value in
        X after it's divided by its corresponding value in Y.

        >>> modulo_numeric = ModuloNumeric()
        >>> modulo_numeric([2, 1, 5], [1, 2, 2]).tolist()
        [0, 1, 1]
    name = "modulo_numeric"
    input_types = [Numeric, Numeric]
    return_type = Numeric
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]
    description_template = "the remainder after dividing {} by {}"

    def get_function(self):
        return np.mod

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s %% %s" % (base_feature_names[0], base_feature_names[1])

class ModuloNumericScalar(TransformPrimitive):
    """Return the modulo of each element in the list by a scalar.

        Given a list of numeric values and a scalar, return
        the modulo, or remainder of each value after being
        divided by the scalar.

        >>> modulo_numeric_scalar = ModuloNumericScalar(value=2)
        >>> modulo_numeric_scalar([3, 1, 2]).tolist()
        [1, 1, 0]
    name = "modulo_numeric_scalar"
    input_types = [Numeric]
    return_type = Numeric
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]

    def __init__(self, value=1):
        self.value = value
        self.description_template = "the remainder after dividing {{}} by {}".format(self.value)

    def get_function(self):
        def modulo_scalar(vals):
            return vals % self.value
        return modulo_scalar

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s %% %s" % (base_feature_names[0], str(self.value))

class ModuloByFeature(TransformPrimitive):
    """Return the modulo of a scalar by each element in the list.

        Given a list of numeric values and a scalar, return the
        modulo, or remainder of the scalar after being divided
        by each value.

        >>> modulo_by_feature = ModuloByFeature(value=2)
        >>> modulo_by_feature([4, 1, 2]).tolist()
        [2, 0, 0]
    name = "modulo_by_feature"
    input_types = [Numeric]
    return_type = Numeric
    compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS]

    def __init__(self, value=1):
        self.value = value
        self.description_template = "the remainder after dividing {} by {{}}".format(self.value)

    def get_function(self):
        def modulo_by_feature(vals):
            return self.value % vals
        return modulo_by_feature

    def generate_name(self, base_feature_names):
        return "%s %% %s" % (str(self.value), base_feature_names[0])

[docs]class And(TransformPrimitive): """Element-wise logical AND of two lists. Description: Given a list of booleans X and a list of booleans Y, determine whether each value in X is `True`, and whether its corresponding value in Y is also `True`. Examples: >>> _and = And() >>> _and([False, True, False], [True, True, False]).tolist() [False, True, False] """ name = "and" input_types = [Boolean, Boolean] return_type = Boolean commutative = True compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS] description_template = "whether {} and {} are true" def get_function(self): return np.logical_and def generate_name(self, base_feature_names): return "AND(%s, %s)" % (base_feature_names[0], base_feature_names[1])
[docs]class Or(TransformPrimitive): """Element-wise logical OR of two lists. Description: Given a list of booleans X and a list of booleans Y, determine whether each value in X is `True`, or whether its corresponding value in Y is `True`. Examples: >>> _or = Or() >>> _or([False, True, False], [True, True, False]).tolist() [True, True, False] """ name = "or" input_types = [Boolean, Boolean] return_type = Boolean commutative = True compatibility = [Library.PANDAS, Library.DASK, Library.KOALAS] description_template = "whether {} is true or {} is true" def get_function(self): return np.logical_or def generate_name(self, base_feature_names): return "OR(%s, %s)" % (base_feature_names[0], base_feature_names[1])