from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
[docs]def make_temporal_cutoffs(
"""Makes a set of equally spaced cutoff times prior to a set of input cutoffs and instance ids.
If window_size and num_windows are provided, then num_windows of size window_size will be created
prior to each cutoff time
If window_size and a start list is provided, then a variable number of windows will be created prior
to each cutoff time, with the corresponding start time as the first cutoff.
If num_windows and a start list is provided, then num_windows of variable size will be created prior
to each cutoff time, with the corresponding start time as the first cutoff
instance_ids (list, np.ndarray, or pd.Series): list of instance ids. This function will make a
new datetime series of multiple cutoff times for each value in this array.
cutoffs (list, np.ndarray, or pd.Series): list of datetime objects associated with each instance id.
Each one of these will be the last time in the new datetime series for each instance id
window_size (pd.Timedelta, optional): amount of time between each datetime in each new cutoff series
num_windows (int, optional): number of windows in each new cutoff series
start (list, optional): list of start times for each instance id
if window_size is not None and num_windows is not None and start is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Only supply 2 of the 3 optional args, window_size, num_windows and start",
out = []
for i, id_time in enumerate(zip(instance_ids, cutoffs)):
_id, time = id_time
_window_size = window_size
_start = None
if start is not None:
if window_size is None:
_window_size = (time - start[i]) / (num_windows - 1)
_start = start[i]
to_add = pd.DataFrame()
to_add["time"] = pd.date_range(
to_add["instance_id"] = [_id] * len(to_add["time"])
return pd.concat(out).reset_index(drop=True)
def convert_time_units(secs, unit):
Converts a time specified in seconds to a time in the given units
secs (integer): number of seconds. This function will convert the units of this number.
unit(str): units to be converted to.
acceptable values: years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, nanoseconds
unit_divs = {
"years": 31540000,
"months": 2628000,
"days": 86400,
"hours": 3600,
"minutes": 60,
"seconds": 1,
"milliseconds": 0.001,
"nanoseconds": 0.000000001,
if unit not in unit_divs:
raise ValueError("Invalid unit given, make sure it is plural")
return secs / (unit_divs[unit])
def convert_datetime_to_floats(x):
first = int(x.iloc[0].value * 1e-9)
x = pd.to_numeric(x).astype(np.float64).values
dividend = find_dividend_by_unit(first)
x *= 1e-9 / dividend
return x
def convert_timedelta_to_floats(x):
first = int(x.iloc[0].total_seconds())
dividend = find_dividend_by_unit(first)
x = pd.TimedeltaIndex(x).total_seconds().astype(np.float64) / dividend
return x
def find_dividend_by_unit(time):
"""Finds whether time best corresponds to a value in
days, hours, minutes, or seconds.
for dividend in [86400, 3600, 60]:
div = time / dividend
if round(div) == div:
return dividend
return 1
def calculate_trend(series):
# numpy can't handle `Int64` values, so cast to float
if series.dtype == "Int64":
series = series.astype("float64")
df = pd.DataFrame({"x": series.index, "y": series.values}).dropna()
if df.shape[0] <= 2:
return np.nan
if isinstance(df["x"].iloc[0], (datetime, pd.Timestamp)):
x = convert_datetime_to_floats(df["x"])
x = df["x"].values
if isinstance(df["y"].iloc[0], (datetime, pd.Timestamp)):
y = convert_datetime_to_floats(df["y"])
elif isinstance(df["y"].iloc[0], (timedelta, pd.Timedelta)):
y = convert_timedelta_to_floats(df["y"])
y = df["y"].values
x = x - x.mean()
y = y - y.mean()
# prevent divide by zero error
if len(np.unique(x)) == 1:
return 0
# consider scipy.stats.linregress for large n cases
coefficients = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
return coefficients[0]