The upcoming release of Featuretools 1.0.0 contains several breaking changes. Users are encouraged to test this version prior to release by installing from GitHub:

pip install

For details on migrating to the new version, refer to Transitioning to Featuretools Version 1.0. Please report any issues in the Featuretools GitHub repo or by messaging in Alteryx Open Source Slack.

Source code for woodwork.type_sys.utils

from datetime import datetime

import pandas as pd

import woodwork as ww
from woodwork.accessor_utils import _is_dask_series, _is_koalas_series
from woodwork.utils import import_or_none

ks = import_or_none('databricks.koalas')
dd = import_or_none('dask.dataframe')

def col_is_datetime(col, datetime_format=None):
    """Determine if a dataframe column contains datetime values or not. Returns True if column
    contains datetimes, False if not. Optionally specify the datetime format string for the column."""
    if _is_koalas_series(col):
        col = col.to_pandas()

    if ('datetime') > -1 or
            (len(col) and isinstance(col.head(1), datetime))):
        return True

    # if it can be cast to numeric, it's not a datetime
        pd.to_numeric(col, errors='raise')
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        # finally, try to cast to datetime
        if'str') > -1 or'object') > -1:
                pd.to_datetime(col, errors='raise', format=datetime_format, infer_datetime_format=True)
            except Exception:
                return False
                return True

    return False

def _is_numeric_series(series, logical_type):
    """Determines whether a series will be considered numeric
    for the purposes of determining if it can be a time_index."""
    if _is_koalas_series(series):
        series = series.to_pandas()
    if _is_dask_series(series):
        series = series.get_partition(0).compute()

    # If column can't be made to be numeric, don't bother checking Logical Type
        pd.to_numeric(series, errors='raise')
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return False

    if logical_type is not None:
        if isinstance(logical_type, str):
            logical_type = ww.type_system.str_to_logical_type(logical_type)

        # Allow numeric columns to be interpreted as Datetimes - doesn't allow strings even if they could be numeric
        if _get_ltype_class(logical_type) == ww.logical_types.Datetime and pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(series):
            return True
        logical_type = ww.type_system.infer_logical_type(series)

    return 'numeric' in logical_type.standard_tags

[docs]def list_logical_types(): """Returns a dataframe describing all of the available Logical Types. Args: None Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe containing details on each LogicalType, including the corresponding physical type and any standard semantic tags. """ ltypes_df = pd.DataFrame( [{'name': ltype.__name__, 'type_string': ltype.type_string, 'description': ltype.__doc__, 'physical_type': ltype.primary_dtype, 'standard_tags': ltype.standard_tags, 'is_default_type': ltype in ww.type_system._default_inference_functions, 'is_registered': ltype in ww.type_system.registered_types, 'parent_type': ww.type_system._get_parent(ltype)} for ltype in ww.logical_types.LogicalType.__subclasses__()] ) return ltypes_df.sort_values('name').reset_index(drop=True)
[docs]def list_semantic_tags(): """Returns a dataframe describing all of the common semantic tags. Args: None Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe containing details on each Semantic Tag, including the corresponding logical type(s). """ sem_tags = {} for ltype in ww.type_system.registered_types: for tag in ltype.standard_tags: if tag in sem_tags: sem_tags[tag].append(ltype) else: sem_tags[tag] = [ltype] tags_df = pd.DataFrame( [{'name': tag, 'is_standard_tag': True, 'valid_logical_types': sem_tags[tag]} for tag in sem_tags] ) tags_df = tags_df.append( pd.DataFrame([['index', False, 'Any LogicalType'], ['time_index', False, [ww.type_system.str_to_logical_type('datetime')] + sem_tags['numeric']], ['date_of_birth', False, [ww.type_system.str_to_logical_type('datetime')]], ['ignore', False, 'Any LogicalType'], ['passthrough', False, 'Any LogicalType'] ], columns=tags_df.columns), ignore_index=True) return tags_df
def _get_ltype_class(ltype): if ltype in ww.type_system.registered_types: return ltype return ltype.__class__ def _get_specified_ltype_params(ltype): """Gets a dictionary of a LogicalType's parameters. Note: If the logical type has not been instantiated, no parameters have been specified for the LogicalType, so no parameters will be returned even if that LogicalType can have parameters set. Args: ltype (LogicalType): An instantiated or uninstantiated LogicalType Returns: dict: The LogicalType's specified parameters. """ if ltype in ww.type_system.registered_types: # Do not reveal parameters for an uninstantiated LogicalType return {} return ltype.__dict__ def _is_categorical_series(series: pd.Series, threshold: float) -> bool: """ Return ``True`` if the given series is "likely" to be categorical. Otherwise, return ``False``. We say that a series is "likely" to be categorical if the percentage of unique values relative to total non-NA values is below a certain threshold. In other words, if all values in the series are accounted for by a sufficiently small collection of unique values, then the series is categorical. """ try: nunique = series.nunique() except TypeError as e: # It doesn't seem like there's a more elegant way to do this. Pandas # doesn't provide an API that would give you any indication ahead of # time if a series with object dtype has any unhashable elements. if "unhashable type" in e.args[0]: return False else: raise # pragma: no cover if nunique == 0: return False pct_unique = nunique / series.count() return pct_unique <= threshold