Source code for featuretools.primitives.standard.aggregation.n_most_common_frequency

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from woodwork.column_schema import ColumnSchema
from woodwork.logical_types import Categorical

from featuretools.primitives.base import AggregationPrimitive

[docs]class NMostCommonFrequency(AggregationPrimitive): """Determines the frequency of the n most common items. Args: n (int): defines "n" in "n most common". Defaults to 3. skipna (bool): Determines if to use NA/null values. Defaults to True to skip NA/null. Description: Given a list, find the n most common items, and return a series showing the frequency of each item. If the list has less than n unique values, the resulting series will be padded with nan. Examples: >>> n_most_common_frequency = NMostCommonFrequency() >>> n_most_common_frequency([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4]).to_list() [3, 2, 2] We can increase n to include more items. >>> n_most_common_frequency = NMostCommonFrequency(4) >>> n_most_common_frequency([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4]).to_list() [3, 2, 2, 1] NaNs are skipped by default. >>> n_most_common_frequency = NMostCommonFrequency(3) >>> n_most_common_frequency([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, None, None, None]).to_list() [3, 2, 2] However, the way NaNs are treated can be controlled. >>> n_most_common_frequency = NMostCommonFrequency(3, skipna=False) >>> n_most_common_frequency([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, None, None, None]).to_list() [3, 3, 2] """ name = "n_most_common_frequency" input_types = [ColumnSchema(semantic_tags={"category"})] return_type = ColumnSchema(logical_type=Categorical, semantic_tags={"category"})
[docs] def __init__(self, n=3, skipna=True): self.n = n self.number_output_features = n self.skipna = skipna
def get_function(self): def n_most_common_frequency(data, n=self.n): frequencies = data.value_counts(dropna=self.skipna) n_most_common = frequencies.iloc[0:n] nan_add = n - frequencies.shape[0] if nan_add > 0: n_most_common = pd.concat( [n_most_common, pd.Series([np.nan] * nan_add)], ) return n_most_common return n_most_common_frequency