Parallel Feature Computation

Featuretools can optionally compute features on multiple cores. The simplest way to control the amount of parallelism is to specify the n_jobs parameter:

fm = ft.calculate_feature_matrix(features=features,

The above command will start 2 processes to compute chunks of the feature matrix in parallel. Each process receives its own copy of the entity set, so memory use will be proportional to the number of parallel processes. Because the entity set has to be copied to each process, there is overhead to perform this operation before calculation can begin. To avoid this overhead on successive calls to calculate_feature_matrix, read the section below on using a persistent cluster.

Using persistent cluster

Behind the scenes, Featuretools uses dask’s distributed scheduler to implement multiprocessing. When you only specify the n_jobs parameter, a cluster will be created for that specific feature matrix calculation and destroyed once calculations have finished. A drawback of this is that each time a feature matrix is calculated, the entity set has to be transmitted to the workers again. To avoid this, we would like to reuse the same cluster between calls. The way to do this is by creating a cluster first and telling featuretools to use it with the dask_kwargs parameter:

import featuretools as ft
from dask.distributed import LocalCluster

cluster = LocalCluster()
fm_1 = ft.calculate_feature_matrix(features=features_1,
                                   dask_kwargs={'cluster': cluster},

The ‘cluster’ value can either be the actual cluster object or a string of the address the cluster’s scheduler can be reached at. The call below would also work. This second feature matrix calculation will not need to resend the entityset data to the workers because it has already been saved on the cluster.:

fm_2 = ft.calculate_feature_matrix(features=features_2,
                                   dask_kwargs={'cluster': cluster.scheduler.address},


When using a persistent cluster, Featuretools publishes a copy of the EntitySet to the cluster the first time it calculates a feature matrix. Based on the EntitySet’s metadata the cluster will reuse it for successive computations. This means if two EntitySets have the same metadata but different row values (e.g. new data is added to the EntitySet), Featuretools won’t recopy the second EntitySet in later calls. A simple way to avoid this scenario is to use a unique EntitySet id.

Using the distributed dashboard

Dask.distributed has a web-based diagnostics dashboard that can be used to analyze the state of the workers and tasks. It can also be useful for tracking memory use or visualizing task run-times. An in-depth description of the web interface can be found here.


The dashboard requires an additional python package, bokeh, to work. Once bokeh is installed, the web interface will be launched by default when a LocalCluster is created. The cluster created by featuretools when using n_jobs does not enable the web interface automatically. To do so, the port to launch the main web interface on must be specified in dask_kwargs:

fm = ft.calculate_feature_matrix(features=features,
                                 dask_kwargs={'diagnostics_port': 8787}

Parallel Computation by Partitioning Data

As an alternative to Featuretool’s parallelization, the data can be partitioned and the feature calculations run on multiple cores or a cluster using Dask or Apache Spark with PySpark. This approach may be necessary with a large EntitySet because the current parallel implementation sends the entire EntitySet to each worker which may exhaust the worker memory. For more information on partitioning the data and using Dask or Spark, see Improving Computational Performance. Dask and Spark allow Featuretools to scale to multiple cores on a single machine or multiple machines on a cluster.